The company""was founded in2002. Initiallyour workwas focusedon selling Russianwatches to foreigncustomers only.However, after receivingmany positive reviewsabout watchesof Russianproduction,we've decidedto extendour activitiesto the Russian Federationand CIS.In2007 our storeon OldArbat11 was opened, wherewe welcome you up to this day. During this time,we have successfullyestablishedlong-term dealerrelationships with allwatchmakersin Russia,so we got a chance toprovideour clients the mostcomplete range ofwatches. For morethan 10years of successon the market of watch products, we have accumulatedinvaluable experience insales and communication with customersfrom all over theglobe.Applyingto us, youcan always count onhigh-quality serviceandflexible pricing.